Monthly Archives: October 2014

Rifle Skills are NEVER Out of Date

Observations of a Boer (South African of Dutch descent) Commando during the initial days of the Battle of Ladysmith (and the ensuing prolonged siege) during  the Second Anglo-Boer War in early November of 1899.  From a book entitled  “Commando, a Boer Journal of the Boer War,” authored by Deneys Reitz.  This  book was presented to me […]

“Leathernecks” and the continuing Battle against Islam

THIS TELLS WHY OUR MARINES ARE CALLED LEATHERNECKS. IN THE 1700’S THE MUSLIMS WOULD CUT OFF THE HEADS OF OUR NEWLY FORMED MARINE CORP SO THEY WORE LEATHER AROUND THE NECKS OF THEIR UNIFORMS. History repeats itself…and every American should really be upset at our do nothing congress !!. Including how the term ‘Leatherneck’ came […]

So, Where DID Obama Come From???

This came from a union guy in Chicago who didn’t vote for Obama. Very curious perspective that I never thought of in this light. It will be interesting to see what they put in his “Presidential Library” about his early years, when he is out of office. In a country where we take notice of […]