Monthly Archives: January 2014

What to Expect During Martial Law

Most Americans believe that Martial Law cannot and will not happen here. These are the same individuals referred to as ‘low information voters’. To exclude ANY possibility, is a demonstration of both ignorance and denial. Just because it hasn’t happened yet does not mean it can’t happen. Up until August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb […]

Obama is using “Radical” Tactics on Americans

This will be short and sweet. Obama is using radical tactics on Americans to establish primary control of our country and its people. He has adopted the “Rules for Radicals” as set forth in the 1971 book by the same name by Saul David Alinsky. This is NOT conjecture! This is FACT! Here are the […]


WHEN WILL WE SAY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?? These bastards spend over $10 Billion dollars every 24 hours, just to keep our bloated government running. WE CAN’T AFFORD THIS RECKLESS WASTE OF OUR HARD WON RESOURCES!How long will we permit our elected representatives to run amok with our tax dollars? Our government is duplicitous, bloated and rife […]